What can I say about this blog other than, if you like dorks and nerds, you'll love it! My name is Jenn and I'm the nerd on the left of this photo. Kym (nerd on right) and I have decided to document our nerdiness in order to understand and hopefully someday embrace it. This picture was captured outside the Sweet Pea bakery in Downtown Phoenix, we enjoyed some coffee and cake with good friends, but most importantly, the idea for this blog was born! We thought it would be fun to hide behind these bushes and just hang. We like to hang.
We are both Moms too and wives to 2 very dorky husbands, more on them later. I think Kym and I have bonded in our recognition of how silly or weird we can sometimes be and how freeing it is to just stop posing for two seconds and let your gut hang out, look like an idiot or say something really dorky out loud. We are all about cultivating friendships that allow you to be you. So here we are, being us!